Tongues and Interpretation is a message from God to the church.

January 5th, 2025
Who will walk with me? x3
I have led you through fire
I have led you through afflictions
I have led you through hardship, but you are still where you are, but you can go with me this time.
Will you go with me this time?
Will you go with me?
It is time for blessing! It is time to start a new life!
It is time to start a walk again!
It is time to start a walk with the Lord.
Will you go with me? x5
I don't want to lead you again through the fire
I want to lead you out!
I want to bring you out!
I want to bring you out! Will you go with me?
What is it that you are holding tight?
Can you leave them and walk with me?
What is it that you are embracing, that is too dear to you, more than me?
Could you leave them and go with me?
Could you go with me? x2
I want those that will go with me!
I want those that will leave everything they are holding unto- that is heavy on them, that is making them not to move
I want them to agree with me to go with me
There's a friend at the door
Let him in x3
There's a friend at the door
Let him in x3
Tis the Savior standing at the door of your heart...
Will you let him in?
Will you let him into your heart?
Let him stay and not go
But let him walk with you x5
To lift up your burdens and set you free.
Let him in
Says the Spirit of the Lord
December 1st, 2024
Be encouraged, the time is short x2
The time is short ! x2
Hold unto your faith x3
The time is short ! x2
Hold unto your faith in the Lord!
Do not quit ! Do not quit ! Hold unto the Lord
The time is short !
There is no more time ! x4
Hold unto your faith in the Lord Jesus to the end
Says the Spirit of the Lord.
November 3rd, 2024
You are not of this world, you are just passing through! You have a destination.
Hey your focus should not be here!
Your focus should no be here in this earth, for you are not of this world.
Why are you confused?
And why so many questions in your head?
Why!! You are not of this world.
Why are you confused on whom to choose?
Why ? You are not of this world, you are passing through
Let your focus be of things in heaven
Let your focus be of the heavens x2
Of the heavens! x4
Take your focus out of the things of this world, because you are not of this world.
You are not of this world, you are passing through.
You are confused on whom to choose!
Choose Jesus x5
Says the Spirit of God
October 6th, 2024
Fear Not! x6
I know your problems, I know your weakness, i know your short-comings;
I know all of them but, Fear Not! x 3
I am with you to solve all those problems.
I am with you to bring you out.
I an with you, when you are going to your left, to right, at your back, in your front;
Fear not. Will you believe Me to fear not! x3
Can you count the blessings I have bestowed on you? Can you count them?
Can you write them out? Can you say them over and over to Me?
Can you do that for Me?
Can you recount them? and see hoe far I have brought you?
And I'm not sone with you!
I'm not done with you !
I am still working on you!
I'm not done with you!
I am still working on you. I am still working on you and I will continue until I bring you to where I have made you to be.
Did you hear Me?
Will you believe me? Will you believe Me ?
Will you believe that I'm in your midst?
Will you believe that I'm in your life?
Will you believe that there is no other like Me ?
I am the Lord of Hosts'; that I am the Beginning and
the End, that I am the Lord of Hosts?
Will you believe me today? Count your blessings! x3
Count them!
Count your blessings and see what more I will do for you -
Says the Spirit of the Lord.
September 1st, 2024
Why are you still having your burdens?
Why are you being afflicted?
Ask for God's Mercy! x 4
For it is abundant for you.
You cannot be going sorrowing, being afflicted.
Ask for God's mercy ! x3
For it is near to you, it is near to you.
Ask for God's Mercy, it is near you
Ask for God's Mercy x2
Receive the Mercy of God x2
Receive! x3
Receive the mercy of God and be healed -
Says the Spirit of the Lord.
August 4th, 2024
I hear your complaints every time, I hear your complaints, of how people behave.
I hear your complaints of unrighteousness and of ungodliness.
But I have sent you out to go and saturate the world around you with My righteousness,
with My words, to bring down the power of darkness.
I have sent you, and I am sending you again -
Go! x3
And saturate the world around you with My words, the Gospel of the Lord that is the
Power of Salvation to them that believe.
Says the Spirit of the Lord God.
July 7th, 2024
I am the Spirit of the Lord God Almighty.
I am here in your midst.
I am here with loads of blessings, but I can't come in because there is no room for me.
Make a space for Me to give out the loads of blessings I have for you.
There is no space for Me to come in!
Clean up!x2
Clean up your heart;
Clean up your heart and let Me come in.
Clean up for I can't come in with the loads of blessings I have, I CAN'T !!
Clean up your heart for Me to come in.
Says the Spirit of the Lord.
May 5th, 2024
I am the Spirit of the Living God. I am in your midst to talk to you about the doctrines - in Christ Jesus.
I am in your midst because these days are evil. I am in your midst to tell you about the life that you are
called into, because you are the saints of God.
You are the Saints of God.
The day you were born again, you became a saint to God and there are doctrines that go with this calling.
There are doctrines you must follow to continue, if not you will not make it to the finish line.
You will not enter into the Kingdom of Glory.
You will not go with the Lord of Hosts.
There are doctrines to follow! x2
I want to talk only about one, but you go to the scriptures to find the rest.
From the first book of the Scripture to the last book and find them.
I want to talk about LOVE.
The Doctrine of Love! x3
It is lacking in the body of Christ.
The doctrine of true TRUE Love in Christ Jesus - that is the doctrine
you want to hold unto. Go search the Scriptures find other doctrines, hold unto them to the end-
Says the Spirit of the Living God.
April 7th, 2024
I am your everlasting rewarder x2
Do you know that I am the everlasting rewarder of your soul?
I am in your midst, and I'm here to bless.
I am here to encourage you. I am here to bless you.
Why do you worry about everything?
Why do you complain about everything?
I am your everlasting rewarder and here in your midst to bless you.
I want you to know me so well as not to worry, but to bring your worries to Me.
I am your everlasting rewarder. I want to announce again that I AM Your Everlasting Rewarder.
Why are you not blessed?
Why are you not receiving from Me?
Why ? x3
I freely give everything to you. I have been waiting for you to bring your worries to Me.
Why are you lacking in all your blessing?
But today, I implore you to come, for I will welcome you, I will receive you and I will bless you.
I will forgive your sins. I will receive you and bless you.
For I am Your Everlasting Rewarder!
Come unto Me!!
Says the Spirit of the Lord.