Lighthouse Home Mission


It is the belief and vision of Full Gospel Temple to reach and save those who are lost.
We believe that tangible love is a way to do ministry.

The Lighthouse Home Mission provides  food for the hungry, they clothe the naked, and provide referral assistance when needed.  
The Lighthouse does take donations of items - clothing, household items and extra food items.  

Please call the Lighthouse at 734-326-3885
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am - 3pm

Our food pantry has two programs.
The first is an emergency food program that gets food in the house right away.  

Call for an appointment 
Monday 10am-3pm; 734-326-3885.

The second food program requires the client to take a proactive step in the situation.
Call 734-326-3885  Wed or Fri 10am - 3pm

Our soup kitchen provides a meal to those in need of one.
Showers are also available
They are open
Monday - Friday 11am - 3pm