Men's Ministry

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Men's Ministry offers:
Small Group meetings
Men's Breakfast
Yearly Retreats

Come join and stand with your brothers in Christ and be taught and learn from some of the best leadership at Full Gospel Temple.

Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast is held on the 2nd Saturday of every month, in The Loft.  Come join them for
breakfast, fellowship and a great word from the Lord.  Cost is $5 per person, you can sign up via tithing envelope,
online or at the Information Window.

Men's Small Groups

They meet weekly & are centered around; Worship, Evangelism, and Discipleship, with a heavy emphasis on accountability, knowing that “Iron sharpens Iron”.
Contact the church if you are interested in joining a Men’s Care Group and we will get you hooked up.

Men's Yearly Retreat

Every year the Men of FGT take a yearly retreat, to focus on growing closer to the Lord, spending time with their brothers in the Lord, and
hearing a great series brought by our Senior Pastor.  Make sure you come to the 2025 retreat.  God does amazing things 

Contact Us

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